Agent Breakdown


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Agent Breakdown

Agent Breakdown

Agent Breakdown

Before Move Production


Shows the agent's production during the 365 days before the move to another office.

After Move Production


# Days: The number of days that the agent has been with the office

% of 365: The percentage of a year that the agent has been with the office

$ Volume: The agent's $ volume of sold transactions after the move to the office

Co-op%: The agent's average co-op % after the move to the office

GCI: The actual GCI generated by the agents post-move production

GCI Yardstick: The before-move GCI multiplied by the % of 365. The resulting yardstick, or benchmark, can assist in determining whether the agent is on track to produce at a level that is comparable to the pre-move production.

Difference: The difference between the agent's actual post-move GCI and their GCI Yardstick.

% Growth: The agent's actual post-move GCI as a percentage of their GCI Yardstick.

A positive value means that the agent is currently producing at a higher pace than before the move, and a green up arrow is shown in the column to the right.

A negative value means that the agent is producing at a slower rate, and a red down arrow is shown in the column to the right.