Market Growth Searches


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Market Growth Searches

The custom search form is displayed automatically when the Market Growth tool is launched for the first time during a BrokerMetrics®  session.


Market Growth Searches

Market Growth Searches


Editing current search criteria


Select the Search menu, then select Custom Search.



Search icon

Alternatively, you may click the search icon.



You may retrieve market growth information for one MLS at a time.  Use the drop down list to make your selection.

Saved Searches


Save searches you run frequently.  Select the criteria, then click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

Property Types


Property Type is a required field; there is no pre-selected default.

Select or de-select property types and sub-types by clicking in the checkboxes.

Multiple selections may be made.

If all the sub-types within a category are desired, click on the main property type checkbox.

The property types and sub-types displayed will depend on the MLS.

Area Type


Retrieve growth in market share information for one or more cities, counties, etc.  Use the drop down list to make your selection.

Select Areas


Click on a choice to select it, then click on Add>>.  Or double-click on a choice to move it to the Selected pane.  You may make as many selections from the list as you wish.

When you're finished, click on  to return to the Custom Search screen.  Your selections will appear in the Area Type pane on the main search screen.