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Listing that is available for a first position offer. Also referred to as For Sale.

Agent ID

A unique set of characters (numeric or alpha-numeric) assigned by an Association of REALTORS® or MLS to each of its members.

Average Median Price

The average of the median prices across a given period of time. (For example, the Average Median Price for the four-month period Jan-10 “ Apr-10 would be the sum of the Median Prices for each of the four months divided by four: $410,000 + $420,000 + $430,000 + $440,000 = $1,700,000  4 = $425,000 .)

Average Price

The sum of the Sold Prices (for Sold properties) or List Prices (for all other statuses) of the properties divided by the number of properties.

Bank Properties

Distressed properties that are in foreclosure; or in foreclosure and subject to short sale; or owned (REO).

Broker ID

A set of characters (numeric or alpha-numeric) assigned by an Association of REALTORS® or MLS to one or more of its member offices to denote a relationship between the offices that have the same Broker ID.


Cumulative or Continuous Days on Market. Values are displayed only when they are supplied by the MLS.


Abbreviation for Commission (also referred to as GCI). The amount of commission received on the sale of a property.

Delta (^)

A symbol used to represent the word change or difference.

DOM (Days on Market)



Values shown are those provided by the MLS. If the values are not supplied by the MLS, the DOM value represents the number of days from the List Date to the current date (For Sale listings) or the date the listing went under contract or expired.


The listing has an expired status (also includes withdrawn statuses).

For Sale

A listing that is available for a first position offer.  Also referred to as Active.

For Sale Last Day of the Month

A listing that is For Sale on the last day of the month.


LastTwelveMonths. Refers to the twelve full calendar months that immediately precede the current month. Sometimes used as a companion time period toPreviousTwelveMonths (PTM); PTM refers to the twelve full calendar months that precede the Last Twelve Months. For example, if today is 1/15/13, LTM = January through December 2012, and PTM = January through December 2011. Also referred to as Months 1-12 (LTM) and Months 13-24 (PTM).


Median Price




A median is the numeric value separating the higher half of a set of values from the lower half. The median of a finite list of numbers can be found by arranging all the values from lowest to highest and picking the middle one. If there is an even number of values, then there is no single middle value; the median is then the mean, or average, of the two middle values.


A unique set of characters (numeric or alpha-numeric) assigned by an Association of REALTORS® or MLS to each of its member agents and offices

Months Supply of Inventory

An estimation of the amount of time it will take for the listings currently for sale to be sold.


The leading indicator method of calculating MSI divides the number of properties currently for sale by the number of properties that wentunder contract.



The trailing indicator method divides the number of properties currently for sale by the number of properties that sold (closed escrow).


Month-To-Date. The first day of the current month to today's date.



The listing has a List Date that falls within the applicable month, quarter or week.


Non-Bank Properties

Properties that are free of any bank mediation (that is, properties that are not in foreclosure; or in foreclosure and subject to short sale; or owned (REO).

Office IDs


A unique set of characters (numeric or alpha-numeric) assigned by an Association of REALTORS® or MLS to each of its member offices.

Original Price

Sometimes abbreviated as Org Price. The original list price.


For Sold properties, Price is the Sold Price. For all other statuses, Price is the List Price.

Price Change

A reduction or increase in the List Price prior to the listing going under contract.

Producing Agents (Total)

The number of agents, whether or not they are associated with the office today, that closed at least one transaction side in the last twelve months.

Producing Agents (Current Search)

The number of agent IDs associated with the office today that closed at least one transaction side that meets the search criteria.


Previous Twelve Months. Used as a companion time period to Last Twelve Months (LTM); LTM refers to the twelve full calendar months that immediately precede the current month, and PTM refers to the twelve full calendar months that precede the Last Twelve Months. For example, if today is 1/15/13, LTM = January through December 2012, and PTM = January through December 2011. Also referred to as Months 13-24 (Last Twelve Months = Months 1-12).




A period of three calendar months.

Q1 (First Quarter) = January, February, March

Q2 = April, May, June

Q3 = July, August, September

Q4 = October, November, December

Quarter-to-date refers to a period beginning on the first day of the current quarter and ending on today's date.

Sales Absorption

A comparison of the rate at which properties are coming on the market to the rate they are going off the market. One measurement compares the number of properties listed during the Month, Quarter or Week to the number of properties that went under contract during the same time period. The other measurement compares the number of properties listed to the number of properties sold.


The listing has closed escrow.

Sold Price to List Price (SP/LP)

The ratio of the sold price (closed price) to the list price as a percentage.


Sold Price to List Price. The ratio of the sold price (closed price) to the list price as a percentage.

Sold Price to Original Price (SP/OP)

The ratio of the sold price (closed price) to the original list price as a percentage.


Sold Price to Original Price. The ratio of the sold price (closed price) to the original list price as a percentage.


Square Footage. The square footage of the gross living area as reflected in the MLS data.

Training Coordinator

Each office is assigned a designated Training Coordinator who can log onto the Terradatum website to schedule training for the office's BrokerMetrics user.

Trend Line “ Polynomial

A third order Least Squares Regression trend analysis.

Trend Line “ Linear

A first order Least Squares Regression trend analysis.

Under Contract (UC)


The seller has accepted a first position offer on the listing.