About BrokerMetrics / AgentMetrics


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About BrokerMetrics / AgentMetrics

BrokerMetrics® is a tool of discovery that allows you to query key MLS statistics in ways not available through MLS systems. Used by thousands real estates offices daily, BrokerMetrics® includes all the tools needed to recruit agents, analyze market share, market growth, and market trends.

Nothing is hidden in BrokerMetrics®. The interactive interface allows you to zero in on specific areas of the chart to uncover the data used in the calculations. And, each chart comes with a detailed data spreadsheet. All charts and data sheets are printable and can be easily emailed and exported in a csv format.

BrokerMetrics® has a powerful set of tools to pick from to meet your business needs.

Proficiency Metrics

Proficiency Metrics , our most popular provides an easy and efficient way to target top recruits based on real performance. Estimate a recruit's potential contribution to your bottom line. Proficiency Metrics is also an excellent coaching tool for your agents.Remember, if you are not Proficiency Metrics your agents someone else is.

View the agent's activity in various ways:

Query by area types: City, County, Zip Code, and MLS areas

Chart views:

oTotal dollar volume and transaction (counts tagged in list and sell side)

oAverage price and SP/OP (sold price to original price ratio)

oDays on Market

Market Share

Market Share Totals/Trends/Coverage, three searches roll into one tool with insights of the market share by office or groups of offices for a period of time, or two corresponding time periods. Use the

Market Share Coverage setup to create groups of offices to evaluate in terms of their collective coverage of the market, including competitive offices.

View offices/brokerages doing business in various ways:

Query offices/brokerages by area types: City, County, Zip Code, and MLS areas

Chart views include:

oTotal dollar volume and transactions (counts tagged by list and sell side)

oSold price to original price ratio

oDays on Market

oBusiness growth

Market Dynamics

Market Dynamics, a must for all real estate professionals, provides the latest on market trends. See pricing data, supply and demand information, and sales rate indicators in visual formats.

View offices/brokerages doing business in various ways:

Chart views include:

oMedian Price

oSupply & Demand

MSI (Months Supply of Inventory)

Market Growth

Market Growth visually identifies the changes to market size by Total Dollar Volume, Total Unit Volume, Median Price, Days on Market and Commission.

Pricing Analysis

Pricing Analysis illustrates real-time statistical information on the distribution of prices for a given set of property criteria over different time periods. Comparing For Sale properties to the number of Under Contract and Sold properties in the same price range will convey to the seller the dangers of over pricing their home.

Office Management , a digital whiteboard designed to increase your business's profitability and improve productivity. Office Analysis allows you to measure current results vs. goals of your office(s). With Agent Analysis you can monitor the performance of your agent's business and profitability.