Pricing Analysis


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Pricing Analysis

This tool provides real-time statistical information on the distribution of prices for a given set of property criteria over the last 12 months.  The number of properties that were available for sale is compared with the number that sold and the number that are currently available.

Managers will use this tool to double-check agents™ pricing skills; agents will use it as an aid to pricing listings correctly.

The information being relayed, within any given price segment, is this:

The number of properties that were listed (Listed #) is a pure measure of the market size.

The number of properties that actually sold (Sold #) compared with the number that were listed is a measure of market strength, i.e. as the percentage of sold to listed gets higher the market gets stronger.

The amount of current inventory supply indicates the market sales-potential, i.e. whether the market has reasonable size and strength.  A small inventory supply indicates that a well priced property would sell quickly; a large supply indicates a longer sales cycle.



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Pricing Analysis