Main Tool Bar


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Main Tool Bar


Print Preview


View the print version of the report onscreen before printing it.



Print opens a window that allows you to select the agents for whom you wish reports prepared, and the reports you wish to print



Allows you to export the grid in a file format that can be opened with and used in many programs, including Microsoft Word and Excel.

Mail as PDF


Email a copy of the report to one or more recipients.


5. Search

Hover the mouse pointer over this button to display the search criteria used in the current search.

Click the button to display the search screen so that you can change the criteria and conduct a new search.

Find Text Box

6. Find Text Box

Enter a word or number to search for in the current grid.


7. Find

Search for the word or words you entered in the Find text box.

Find Next

8. Find Next

Find the next occurrence of the word or words you entered in the Find Text Box.

View Grid/Chart


Switch to the grid or chart view.

View or Hide Your Agents (BME)

11. View or Hide Your Agents (BME)

If you are a manager with responsibility for multiple offices, or your login allows you to search in more than one MLS, the agents who are in your office(s) are highlighted in green in the grid.  You can view only those agents, or hide all of those agents by checking one of the options above.

View or Hide Your Agents (BMO)

10. View or Hide Your Agents (BMO)

If you are a manager with responsibility for one office, the agents in your office are highlighted in green in the grid.  Agents who are associated with offices that have the same broker code as your office are highlighted in a lighter green (the broker code is assigned and provided by the MLS).  You can view only your office's agents, or hide all of those agents by checking one of the options above.

Checked Agent Options

12. Checked Agent Options

Use the Checked Agent buttons to control which agents are visible in the grid, and save lists of agents to use in future searches.