Office Analysis/Inventory


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Office Analysis/Inventory

Inventory gives an overview of the active and ratified listings for the offices within your authority.

The information in the left grid (Office Grid) is initially sorted by the ranking of each office based on total production (Total $).

The address of the office selected (highlighted) in the Office Grid is displayed above the Inventory Aging chart.

The two grids below the chart display the listings for the office of the manager highlighted in the Office Grid, and the totals for that office.


Sort the information  

The Inventory grid is sorted first by Status, then by DOM.

To sort on a different category of information in the office and inventory grids, click on a column title.

Click on the column title again to sort in the reverse order.

Indicates the sorted column and the sort order.

More information  

Office Grid:  Hold the mouse pointer over a row to see the manager™s name, office name, address and telephone number, and the office code.


Inventory Grid:  Right click on a row, then click on Listing Detail for additional information about a listing.


Inventory Aging Graph    

Displays the active and ratified listings for each office on a scatter chart.    

Customize the view


Show or hide Active, Contingent and Pending listings by clicking in the checkboxes above the chart.

The number of listings in each category is shown in parentheses.


Change the range of Days on Market shown by moving either end of the slider.

For example, positioning the ends of the slider as shown in the illustration will result in a graph showing listings on market (or under contract) for 10 to 31 days.


Change the range of prices shown by moving the vertical slider at the left of the chart up or down.  

More information

Hold the mouse pointer over a data point on the chart to highlight the related row on the grids and to see the following information:

Agent™s name

Listing property address

Number of days on market

Current price

Number of price reductions experienced by this listing
