Office Analysis/Production


Navigation:  Office Analysis >

Office Analysis/Production

Production provides an overview of your offices production and their relative ranking.


The information in the left grid (Office Grid) is initially sorted by the ranking of each office based on total production (Total $).

Default time period is 12 months.


Customize the view  

Click the appropriate radio buttons above the bar chart to:

Display Units or $ Volume (default)

View data for 12 months (default) or 24 months

Sort the information  

To sort on a different category of information, click on another column title.

Click on the column title again to sort in the reverse order.

More information  


Office Grid:  Hold the mouse pointer over a row in the Office Grid to see the managers name, office name, address and telephone number, and the office code.



Click Display Trend Line (above the chart) to add a black line representing the trending in total production.

Click Display Listed $ Volume (or Listed Units) to add this information (depicted on the blue line) to the chart.



Hold the mouse pointer over a section of a bar to see the actual value, and to highlight the related rows on the grids.