Proficiency Metrics/Compensation Calculator


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Proficiency Metrics/Compensation Calculator



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Build and Display Models


Compensation Calculator


The Compensation Calculator allows you to forecast an agent's revenue-generating potential, and how this GCI might flow through competitive business models. Your knowledge of how your competitors operate, a little investigative research, and discussions with your own agents are all that are necessary.

Proficiency Metrics Compensation Calculator

Proficiency Metrics Compensation Calculator

View 2 or 3 models


Change the labels


The labels at the left side can be customized to fit your needs and to use terminology that is in use in your area.

You can save a different set of labels for the Summary and the Detail modes, and for the 2-office and 3-office model views.

Edit turns the labels into editable text fields.

Save saves your changes.

Defaults restores the original labels provided by the BrokerMetrics

program (click Edit, then Defaults, then Save)

Show or hide details


Detail shows all of the rows and values

Summary shows only the rows that contain subtotals and totals

Build and display models


Click on the Select Model dropdown arrow

Select New Model...

Enter a name and click the Save button

Enter the values that are appropriate

Click the Save symbol (immediately to the left of the dropdown menu, to the right of the trash can symbol)

To delete a model: Select it in the list, then click on the trash can symbol.