Grid Controls


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Grid Controls

These checkboxes allow you to add columns of data or information to the grid.

Proficiency Metrics Overview Grid Controls

Proficiency Metrics Overview Grid Controls



Displays the unique code assigned to each office by the MLS.

Proficiency Metrics ID

Proficiency Metrics ID



Displays the name of the office associated with the agent.

Proficiency Metrics Name

Proficiency Metrics Name



Displays the street address, city and ZIP Code of the agent's office (as supplied by the MLS).

Proficiency Metrics Office Address

Proficiency Metrics Office Address

Agent ID


The ID code assigned to the agent by the MLS.

Proficiency Metrics Agent ID

Proficiency Metrics Agent ID

Cumulative %


Allows you to determine how many agents it takes to make up a given percentage of the market.  The calculation is based on the $ volume or # units column that has been sorted on.  For example,

Proficiency Metrics Cumulative Percent

Proficiency Metrics Cumulative Percent

To re-sort the grid, click on any column header.  Note that the Cumulative Percentage calculation will be made on $ Volume or # Units types of columns only.


If the grid is sorted on any other type of column (for instance, Agent Name or Avg. Price) the Cumulative % column will be removed from view and the checkbox grayed out until the grid is sorted again on a $ Volume or # Units column.  In this example, Cumulative Percentage is grayed out and the column has been removed from the grid, because the grid has been sorted on the Avg. Price column.


Average Price


The average price of all of the listings closed by the agent in the last 12 complete months.  Based on all of the agent's sales in the entire MLS for the last 12 complete calendar months.

Proficiency Metrics Average Price

Proficiency Metrics Average Price

Average SP/OP


The average ratio of the Sold Price (closed price) to the Original list Price as a percentage for listings closed by the agent over the Last 12 Months.

Proficiency Metrics Average SP/OP

Proficiency Metrics Average SP/OP

Average DOM


The average Days On Market of all listings closed by the agent over the Last 12 Months.


Proficiency Metrics Average DOM

Proficiency Metrics Average DOM



The change in the total number and dollar volume of sales from the previous 12 months to the last 12 months.  The calculation is based on all of the agent's sales in the entire MLS for the last 12 complete calendar months.

Proficieny Metrics Growth

Proficieny Metrics Growth

Bank Business


The number and dollar volume of the agent's sales that were distressed properties (in foreclosure, subject to short sale, REO).  Based on all of the agent's sales in the entire MLS for the last 12 complete calendar months.

Proficiency Metrics Bank Business

Proficiency Metrics Bank Business