Proficiency Metrics/Overview View


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Proficiency Metrics/Overview View




Grid Controls

Data based on search criteria

Data based on all transactions

Summary and Totals


Overview View


Proficiency Metrics Agent Information Overview

Proficiency Metrics Agent Information Overview

Grid controls


Check one or more of these options to display additional columns in the grid:

See Grid Controls for an explanation of each option

Data based on search criteria


The values displayed in the columns to the left of the blue line are based on the criteria selected on the search screen.

The date range shown in the column header is the date range selected on the search screen.

The number shown following the date range is the number of agents that are included in the search results.

Data based on all transactions


The values displayed in the columns to the right of the blue line are based on all of the agent's transactions for the last 12 complete calendar months (all property types, all areas, all bedrooms, all baths, all construction types).

Summary and Totals


This line displays the totals of the columns in the grid -- the size of the market being studied.