MLS Median Price Trend Grids


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MLS Median Price Trend Grids


MLS Median Price Trend Grid

MLS Median Price Trend Grid



If you have access to more than one MLS, the default MLS displayed will be based on alphabetical order of your MLS's.

You can switch MLS's by choosing a new MLS from the MLS drop down box.

The charts and grids are updated based on the new MLS chosen.


Grid View



You have two grid views:

Median Price SFD - displays sold median $, units sold, average sold price and sold $ per square foot for single family detached properties up to the last ten years broken down by quarter.

Median Price Condo - displays sold median $, units sold, average sold price and sold $ per square foot for condominiums properties up to the last ten years broken down by quarter.

Switching to Chart View


You can quickly switch to chart view by clicking the Chart icon.