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Proficiency Metrics Export

Proficiency Metrics Export

Export data in CSV format (this type of file can be opened with and used in  many programs, including Microsoft Word and Excel).

For all options, follow these steps:

1.Select the desired export option(s)

2.When the Export As window is displayed, select the location to save the file to (such as your Desktop, to make it easy to find the file later)

3.Give the file a name

4.Click the Export As button


Selected Agent(s)


Allows you to select multiple exports for the agent that is selected in the grid, or for the agents that are checked in the grid.

Overview Grid


The export file will include all of the agents and all of the columns that are in the onscreen Overview view grid at the time the export is created.

Contact Information Grid


The export file will include all of the agents and all of the columns that are in the onscreen Contact Information view grid at the time the export is created.

Growth Analysis Grid


The export file will include all of the agents and all of the columns that are in the onscreen Growth Analysis view grid at the time the export is created.

Listing Proficiency Grid


The export file will include all of the agents and all of the columns that are in the onscreen Listing Proficiency view grid at the time the export is created.  This file is an .xls file.

Contact List


This export file will include the following information for the agent that is selected in the grid, or for the agents that are checked in the grid:


Office ID

Agent Name

Office Address

Office City

Office Zip

Phone 1

Phone 2

Phone 3


Alternate Address

Total # sold (based on the search criteria)

Total $ volume sold (based on the search criteria)

Total # sold during the last 12 complete months (all production, not limited by the search criteria)

Total $ volume sold during the last 12 complete months (all production, not limited by the search criteria)