Proficiency Metrics/Growth Analysis


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Proficiency Metrics/Growth Analysis



Office Information

Preset Sorting



Growth Analysis


This grid will help you identify up-and-coming agents and rising stars.


Proficiency Metrics Growth Analysis

Proficiency Metrics Growth Analysis

Office Information


Check these boxes to display the office ID, name and address.

Preset Sorting


These buttons sort the grid so you can find agents in these categories:

Up and Comers - agents who had no production in the previous 12 months but have production in the last (most recent) 12 months

Increased - agents who have shown the biggest increases in production year-over-year

Decreased - agents whose production has decreased from the previous 12 months

Check either Volume or Units to base the analysis on the total $ Volume sold or the total # of units sold.

Time Frame


Show the agents' production for the year-to-date (January 1 to the current date ) or for the last twelve complete months and the corresponding previous twelve-month period.