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My Options


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Office Admin Fee

The administration fee deducted from the total commission (GCI) before the commission split is calculated.  Used in Net $ calculations.

Monthly Desk Cost

1.Calculate the total of 12 consecutive months’ worth of expenses.

2.Divide the total by 12 for the average monthly expense figure.

3.Divide the average monthly expense figure by the number of desks.

Number of Desks

The total number of desks that the office uses for expense amortization purposes.

Average Commission Side

The true commission percentage (per transaction side) after all deal concessions have been made.  Represents the ratio of GCI received from escrow divided by the closed transaction dollar volume.   (Example:  $2,000,000 (GCI)  divided by $75,000,000 (closed $ volume) = 2.67% average commission side.)

Minimum Target Desk Cost Coverage

The minimum “acceptable”  desk cost coverage percentage.  The default setting is 100%, indicating a breakeven point between revenue and expenses.

Displayed as a dotted blue line on Performance Management screens,  this figure provides a reference point for management.  Not a goal; see the Monitor Performance tab for more information.

Minimum Target Return on Revenue

The minimum “acceptable”  percentage return on revenue.  The default setting is 0%, indicating the breakeven point (no profit or loss).

Displayed as a dotted blue line on Performance Management screens,  this figure provides a reference point for management.  Not a goal; see the Monitor Performance tab for more information.

Retained Dollar %

The ratio of Company $ to GCI (Company $ divided by GCI).  Company dollar is usually comprised of two components:  the admin fee taken off the top of the total GCI received, an the office/company side of the commission splits with the agents.

(Example:  Admin fee =  6%, average office side commission = 23%, then the retained dollar % would be calculated as follows:

.06*GCI + .23*(.94*GCI) = .06*GCI + .216*GCI  = .276*GCI, or 27.6% *GCI. 27.6% is the Retained Dollar %.

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